The Glenn Springs Railroad

Roebuck to Glenn Springs, SC

The Glenn Springs Railroad ran from Becca Station (now Roebuck) on the Charleston & Western Carolina line from Augusta to Spartanburg (now CSX), to Glenn Springs, with a water stop at Mathew Stone's Store, called "Stone Station". The line was said to be narrow gauge and was used to get people to the Glenn Springs Hotel and Mineral Springs.

The railroad opened in 1894 and the two car train made the nine mile trip from Roebuck to Glenn Springs at the cost of 75 cents for adults and 35 cents for children. Those riding this train would board a train in Spartanburg, take it to Roebuck, then board the train going to the springs (information from Seeing Spartanburg by Philip N. Racine). It is generally accepted that rail service stopped prior to World War I and was never resumed. The exact date of cessation is not known, however.

Another plan proposed, but never implemented, provided a link to this line from Pride Junction at Carlisle, through Buffalo and Union, via the Union and Glenn Springs Railroad. However, the U&GS never made it to Glenn Springs, and ultimately ended in Buffalo -- it is believed that the U&GS considered the many creeks and ravines to cross a costly proposition, and ended their line at Buffalo before further plans were made. The U&GS later became the Buffalo-Union Carolina Railroad. See also Buffalo to Pride.

This line ran very close to the road (SC Route 215) and parts of the old line can be seen today if one knows where to look.

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